Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen

Wagner's early opera is stylistically closer to Meyerbeer and bel canto
than to his later works. Director Philipp Stölzl, who started his career
with video clips for Rammstein and Madonna and later turned to
directing films ("North Face", "Goethe!") and opera, sets the story of the
rise and fall of a charismatic medieval Roman leader in the 20th century.
"One can make surprising analogies to the despots of this time: Stalin,
Mussolini, Hitler, Ceausescu", says Stölzl. Torsten Kerl is a brilliant
Rienzi; his sister Irene, sung by Camilla Nylund with lyrical intensity, is
paired with a lover, Adriano, who is performed by the luminous mezzo
Kate Aldrich. Also worthy of praise is the chorus, which masters its
demanding part with presence and precision.

Composer: Richard Wagner
Title: Rienzi, der letzte der Tribunen
Conductor: Sebastian Lang-Lessing
Staged By: Philipp Stölzl
Soloist: Torsten Kerl, Camilla Nylund, Ante Jerkunica, Kate Aldrich, Krzysztof Szumanski
Set: Ulrike Siegrist, Philipp Stölzl
Orchestra: Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Chorus: Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Video Director: Johannes Grebert
Genre: Opera
Length: 155 minutes
Cat.No.: A05017663
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